Friday, September 7, 2007

Avril Lavigne Is So Generous

If you can read the last interview of Avril Lavigne with Q Magazine without wanting to direct the end your monitor whereas you are a person stronger than I am. Since I read this thing and very that I wanted to make was to begin the monitors of bending of head.

On dealing with her incredible success
"Selling 24 million albums hasn't really affected me, but it has changed things. I can't walk into a room full of people any more without everybody turning their heads, and I can only eat in certain restaurants where I know I won't get hassled. But that's OK. I was born to do this, and so I've learned how to cope."

On her competition
"Someone like Kelly Clarkson is beautiful and has a pretty voice, but with me you get a much stronger image. I'm tough, I have a look that girls want to copy, and I sound a particular way. It's good if you're not easily ignored. And I'm not."

On her generosity
"I am a very giving person. When the hurricane thing happened, I went to my closet, filled six boxes of stuff and said to my assistant, 'Take it to Katrina!' I also like to give stuff to people who are my 'workers,' especially if they don't make much money."

On her polarizing personality
"People love me and people hate me, but I'm comfortable in my own skin and that's what counts. And anyway if you do hate me, you're the loser, not me."

Wow, what an amazing person. When that "hurricane thing" happened Avril filled boxes with crap and told her assistant to "take it to Katrina." The name of a hurricane. And she also likes to give stuff to her employees who don't make much money. I hear they were going to give her a humanitarian award but she was disqualified because they said it wasn't fair to the other nominees. Sometimes I get her confused with that Jesus character from the Bible because they're so similar.

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