Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Britney Spears In A Public Restrooms

Britney Spears stopped at a restaurant in LA thus which she could use the bathroom, which is something she basically every extra weeks. I am rather sure it is the only person in the world, which draws more with the toilets of public of use. As really of the stops control on its house thus it in manner can use a toilet that hundred other people already employed this day. I would say that it is because its flexible tank is the size of a peanut, but honestly I think who would be her brain. And perhaps the peanut is a little too generous. What would you call the absence of a brain? A so powerful absence it dulls any brain, which obtains even close to him, because what Britney has. In its head is this. Spout out that, or a large tomato and a note of God who says, “my bad.”

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